Prof. Dr. Jean Claude Tabet |
Jean Claude Tabet Professor in Chemistry, PhD in Organic Chemistry UMR 8232 University P. et M. Curie – CNRS (Paris Cedex 05) (h-index 28, 335 publications) Education: 1968 – Nomination as assistant professor in chemistry (University of Orsay) 1970 – Ph.D in organic chemistry (University of Orsay) 1973 – Thèse de doctorat d’Etat (University of Orsay) Research interests and skills: Organic Chemistry, Mass spectrometry applied to chemical and biological systems, instrumentation, mechanism. Current position: 1. From 1985, professor of mass spectrometry, University Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris 6, mass spectrometry team IPCM UMR 7201, 2. From 2007, French expert to the SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD of the OPCW (The Hague, Netherland) 3. From 2013 prof. Emeritus at University Pierre & Marie Curie Other professional experience: Scientific consultant – Nermag (1986-1989), ELF (1993-1999), Varian (1993-2003), Dephy (Canada, 2000-2002), TOTAL (1999-2010), ARKEMA (2005-2010), Michelin (2005-2007)-CEA (since 2011) Member of editorial comity: Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (Elsevier) 1990-1995 Spectroscopy, an International Journal (Elsevier) 1991-2001 Modern Mass Spectrometry: a review (1997, CRC) 1997 Mass Spectrometry Reviews (Wiley) 2003- Journal of Mass Spectrometry (Wiley) 2003 Distinctions: 1978 – National price of chemistry education by the French chemistry society. 1996 – Gramatikakis-Newman Price by the Academy of science. 2005 and 2009 – Nominated to Thomson medal by the International Mass Spectrometry Comity. 2009 – Doctor Honoris Causa of the Nis University (Serbia) Some of the REFERENCES : 1. New insights into dissociation of deprotonated 2,4-dinitrotoluene by combined high-resolution mass spectrometry and density functional theory calculations.Schwarzenberg, Adrian; Tabet, Jean-Claude; Cole, Richard B. et al. RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, 2015, Volume: 29 Issue: 1 Pages: 29-34 2. De l’emploi des armes chimiques lors de conflits à la Convention sur l’interdiction des armes chimiques et l’OIAC. Actualités chimiques décembre 2014 n°391. 3. Differentiation of isomeric dinitrotoluenes and aminodinitrotoluenes using electrospray high resolution mass spectrometry. Schwarzenberg, Adrian; Dossmann, Heloise; Cole, Richard B.; et al. JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY, 2014, Volume: 49 Issue: 12 Pages: 1330-1337 . 4. High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Associated with Data Mining Tools for the Detection of Pollutants and Chemical Characterization of Honey Samples . Cotton, Jerome; Leroux, Fanny; Broudin, Simon; et al., JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY 2014, Volume: 62 Issue: 46 Pages: 11335-11345 5. Annotation of the human serum metabolome by coupling three liquid chromatography methods to high-resolution mass spectrometry .Boudah, Samia; Olivier, Marie-Francoise; Aros-Calt, Sandrine; et al. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY B-ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE BIOMEDICAL AND LIFE SCIENCES 2014, Volume: 966 Special Issue: SI Pages: 34- 6. A revisit of high collision energy effects on collision-induced dissociation spectra using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-LIFT-TOF/TOF): application to the sequencing of RNA/DNA chimeras. Mauger, Florence; Tabet, Jean-Claude; Gut, Ivo G. RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY 2014, Volume: 28 Issue: 13 Pages: 1433-1443 7. Penning ionization-FT-ICR: Application to diesel fuel analysis. Le Vot, Clotilde; Afonso, Carlos; Beaugrand, Claude; et al. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY 2014, Volume: 367 Pages: 35-42 8. Evidence for ion-ion interactions between peptides and anions (HSO4- or ClO4-) derived from high-acidity acids. Liu, Xiaohua; Tabet, Jean-Claude; Cole, Richard B. JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY 2014, Volume: 49 Issue: 6 Pages: 490-497 9. Comparison of the activation time effects and the internal energy distributions for the CID, PQD and HCD excitation modes. Ichou, Farid; Schwarzenberg, Adrian; Lesage, Denis; et al. JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY 2014, Volume: 49 Issue: 6 Pages: 498-508 10. Clarification of the 30 Da releases from the [M-H](-) and M-. ions of trinitrotoluene by electrospray high resolution mass spectrometry. Hubert, Cecile; Schwarzenberg, Adrian; Dossmann, Heloise; et al. JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY 2014, Volume: 49 Issue: 4 Pages: 327-330 11. Structural studies of the sBBI/trypsin non-covalent complex using covalent modification and mass spectrometry 2014, Darii, Ekaterina; Saravanamuthu, Guanalini; Gut, Ivo G.; et al. RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY 2014, Volume: 28 Issue: 5 Pages: 413-429 12. Bacterial Detection Using Unlabeled Phage Amplification and Mass Spectrometry through Structural and Nonstructural Phage Markers. Martelet, Armelle; L'Hostis, Guillaume; Tavares, Paulo; et al. JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH 2014, Volume: 13 Issue: 3 Pages: 1450-1465 13. Application and challenges in using LC-MS assays for absolute quantitative analysis of therapeutic proteins in drug discovery. Stojiljkovic, Natali; Paris, Alain; Garcia, Patrice; et al. BIOANALYSIS 2014, Volume: 6 Issue: 6 Pages: 785-803 14. The Pauson-Khand Mechanism Revisited: Origin of CO in the Final Product. Lesage, Denis; Milet, Anne; Memboeuf, Antony; et al. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2014, Volume: 53 Issue: 7 Pages: 1939-1942 15. Charge Enhancement of Single-Stranded DNA in Negative Electrospray Ionization Using the Supercharging Reagent Meta-nitrobenzyl Alcohol. By: Brahim, Bessem; Alves, Sandra; Cole, Richard B.; et al. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MASS SPECTROMETRY 2013, Volume: 24 Issue: 12 Pages: 1988-1996 16. Unimolecular dissociation characteristics of cationic complexes between nicotinic acid and Cu(II) and Ni(II). Dossmann, Heloise; Afonso, Carlos; Tabet, Jean-Claude; et al.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY 2013, Volume: 354 Special Issue: SI Pages: 165-174 17. High-resolution mass spectrometry and partial de novo sequencing constitute a useful approach for determining the profile of chemokine secretion following the stimulation of human intestinal epithelial cells. Maubert, Marie-Anne; Quevrain, Elodie; Capton, Estelle; et al. RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY 2013, Volume: 27 Issue: 19 Pages: 2179-2187 18. Instrumental Dependent Dissociations of n-Propyl/Isopropyl Phosphonate Isomers: Evaluation of Resonant and Non-Resonant Vibrational Activations. Bennaceur, Chafia; Afonso, Carlos; Alves, Sandra; et al. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MASS SPECTROMETRY 2013, Volume: 24 Issue: 8 Pages: 1260-1270 19. Characterization of an Electron Ionization Source Trap Operating in the Presence of a Magnetic Field Through Computer Simulation. Vitcher, Sarah; Charvy, Claude; Dudragne, Laurens; et al. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MASS SPECTROMETRY 2013, Volume: 24 Issue: 7 Pages: 1130-1136 20. Identification tree based on fragmentation rules for structure elucidation of organophosphorus esters by electrospray mass spectrometry. Schwarzenberg, Adrian; Ichou, Farid; Cole, Richard B.; et al. JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY 2013, Volume: 48 Issue: 5 Pages: 576-586 21. Gas-Phase Formation and Fragmentation Reactions of theOrganomagnesates [RMgX2](-). Khairallah, George N.; Thum, Charlene C. L.; Lesage, Denis; et al. ORGANOMETALLICS 2013, Volume: 32 Issue: 8 Pages: 2319-2328 22. MALDI/Post Ionization-Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry of Noncovalent Complexes of Dopamine Receptors' Epitopes. Woods, Amina S.; Jackson, Shelley N.; Lewis, Ernest K.; et al. JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH 2013, Volume: 12 Issue: 4 Pages: 1668-1677 23. ESI formation of a Meisenheimer complex from tetryl and its unusual dissociation. Hubert, Cecile; Dossmann, Heloise; Machuron-Mandard, Xavier; et al. JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY 2013, Volume: 48 Issue: 3 Pages: 306-311 24. Critical Evaluation of Kinetic Method Measurements: Possible Origins of Nonlinear Effects Bourgoin-Voillard, Sandrine; Afonso, Carlos; Lesage, Denis; et al. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MASS SPECTROMETRY 2013, Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Pages: 365-380 25. Collision cell pressure effect on CID spectra pattern using triple quadrupole instruments: a RRKM modeling. Ichou, Farid; Lesage, Denis; Machuron-Mandard, Xavier; et al. JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY 2013, Volume: 48 Issue: 2 Pages: 179-186 26. Prompt and Slow Electron-Detachment-Dissociation/Electron-Photodetachment-Dissociation of a 21-Mer Peptide. Perot-Taillandier, Marie; Zirah, Severine; Enjalbert, Quentin; et al. CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 2013, Volume: 19 Issue: 1 Pages: 350-357 |
![]() Dr. Anna Warnet |
Anna Warnet · Permanent staff, Co-founder and secretary of AQualEER. (2011 – 2015) · Pharmacist-biologist and certified professor of biochemistry and of industrial-technological-biological sciences · Supervision of BTS interns in biological, analytical controls at ESTBA (Analytical, Biological, technical Superior School. Volunteer teacher supervising chemist students with biological research themes, at UPMC, since 2005. · Organization in coming of foreign professors who are invited by UPMC since 2005. · Involved in the teaching of master NRBC (health risks in nuclear, radiological, biological and chemical areas) at the military school of the Val de Grâce, since 2009. · Collaboration in the Bilateral Scientific Cooperation CNRS-France/MSTD-Serbia (Call 2010) Heavy Metals Geochemical Modeling and Speciation in Groundwater and Soil using Soft Ionization Mass Spectrometry. · Involved in the teaching at the mass spectrometry Serbian schools, since 2008 (POPS, GC, Chemical risks). 1. Unusual electrospray solvent for protein desorption. Anna Warnet; Nicolas Auzeil; Jean-Claude Tabet. 58Th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics May 23-27 2010, Salt lake City, Utah. 2. Utilisation de l’acétone comme solvant d’ESI pour l’analyse de protéines en mode DESI : un mécanisme impliquant une solvatation externe. Anna Warnet; Nicolas Auzeil; Jean-Claude Tabet. 27eme Journées Françaises de Spectrométrie de Masse (2010 Clermont-Ferrand). |
![]() Dr. Natali Stojiljković |
Natali Stojiljković Permanent staff, Co-founder and treasurer of AQualEER (2011 – 2015). Academic status: PhD in Chemistry. Senior Analyst since 2001 in LCH (Laboratoire des Courses Hippiques), French National and International Reference Laboratory for horse doping control with mass spectrometry as a cornerstone methodology (accreditated ISO CEI 17025 by French accreditation body COFRAC). PhD student at University of Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, in metabolomic subject matter (“Metabolomic approach based on LC-HRMS of anabolic steroids in equine urine”) • Lecturer since 2008 at Niš (Serbia) Mass Spectrometry School • Co-founder and of AQualEER -France • Member of ASMS (American Society of Mass Spectrometry) • Member of RFMF (Réseau Français de Métabolomique et Fluxomique) 1. Natali STOJILJKOVIC, Patrice GARCIA, Marie-Agnès POPOT, Yves BONNAIRE, Alain PARIS, Christophe JUNOT, Jean-Claude TABET; Development of a metabolomic approach based on liquid chromatography–high resolution mass spectrometry for the screening of anabolic steroids in equine urine. Poster at 18th International Conference of Racing Analysts and Veterinarians, Queenstown, New Zealand, March 2010 2. Natali STOJILJKOVIC, Patrice GARCIA, Marie-Agnès POPOT, Yves BONNAIRE, Alain PARIS, Christophe JUNOT, Jean-Claude TABET; Development of a metabolomic approach based on liquid chromatography–high resolution mass spectrometry for the screening of anabolic steroids in equine urine. Oral communication at The 1st Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Sea Region Countries Mass Spectrometry Workshop, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel, October 2010 3. Fanny LEROUX, Natali STOJILJKOVIC, Fanny BOYARD, Patrice GARCIA, Marie-Agnès POPOT, Yves BONNAIRE, Christophe JUNOT ; Study of the impact of physiological variations on the metabolome in mares ; Application for the screening of anabolic steroids in equine urine. Poster at 5èmes Journées Scientifiques du RFMF, Paris, France, mai 2011 4. Natali STOJILJKOVIC, Patrice GARCIA, Marie-Agnès POPOT, Yves BONNAIRE, Alain PARIS, Christophe JUNOT, Jean-Claude TABET ; Dévelepement d’une approche métabolomique pour le dépistage du stanozolol dans l’urine équine. Orale communication at 5èmes Journées Scientifiques du RFMF, Paris, France, mai 2011 5. Natali STOJILJKOVIC, Patrice GARCIA, Marie-Agnès POPOT, Yves BONNAIRE, Alain PARIS, Christophe JUNOT, Jean-Claude TABET; Development of a metabolomic approach based on LC-HRMS for the screening of anabolic steroids in equine urine. Poster at 59th The American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference, Denver, USA, June 2011. 6. N. Stojiljkovic, Zied KAABIA, J.C. Tabet, C. Junot, Gaud DERVILLY-PINEL, Bruno LE BIZEC, Patrice Garcia, Philippe PLOU, Marie-Agnès POPOT, Yves BONNAIRE ; Metabolomics fingerprinting and steroids profiling: Efficient and innovative strategies to screen for the abuse of anabolic steroids in horses. Oral communication at 19th International Conference of Racing Analysts and Veterinarians, Philadelphia, USA, Septembre 2012 7. Natali STOJILJKOVIC, Patrice GARCIA, Fanny BOYARD, Ludovic BAILLY-CHOURIBERRY, Marie-Agnès POPOT, Yves BONNAIRE, Alain PARIS, Christophe JUNOT, Jean-Claude TABET; LC-HRMS based metabolomic approach as a screening tool in horse racing doping control. Invited lecturer at 29 Journées Françaises de Spectrométrie de Masse, Orléans, France, Septembre 2012 8. Natali STOJILJKOVIC, Patrice GARCIA, Marie-Agnès POPOT, Yves BONNAIRE, Alain PARIS, Jean-Claude TABET, Christophe JUNOT ; Evaluation of horse urine sample preparation methods for metabolomic analysis using liquid chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry. Under correction in Analytica Chimica Acta, Elsevier. 9. Natali STOJILJKOVIC, Fanny LEROUX, Saša Bubanj, Marie-Agnès POPOT, Yves BONNAIRE, Alain PARIS, Jean-Claude TABET, Christophe JUNOT ; Environmental factors with a telling effect on metabolomic analysis of horse urine using liquid chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry |