University of Novi Sad
Prof. Dr. Ivana Ivančev Tumbas |
Ivana Ivančev Tumbas Full professor in the field of Environmental protection at University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences (UNSPMF) currently responsible for courses: Control of Environmental Quality, Environment and Sustainable Development, Seminar Environment and Health, Modern techniques and processess of drinking water treatment, Environmental protection technology for students of Ecology. Received B.Sc., M.Sc and Ph.D. in Chemistry at UNSPMF. Humboldt research fellowship (2005/06) at the University Duisburg-Essen (group of Professor Dr.-Ing Rolf Gimbel). Research interests in Water Quality and Treatment, focus on organic xenobiotics. Analytical expertise in gas-chromatography, including gas-chromatography-mass spectrometry, water quality, sediment quality, physico-chemical interactions in water treatment processess. Author of two books, more than 100 publications (28 peer reviewed in SCI journals). Since 2009 Associate Editor of Water Science and Technology, IWA Publishing; 2006-2009 Vice Dean for Science and International Cooperation; Serbian delegate in EuCheMS DCE, member of Interdisciplinary scientific board for environmental protection at Ministry of Education, Research and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia. Institutional coordinator of project 511044-Tempus-1-2010-UK-TEMPUS-JPCR Modernisation of Post-Graduate Studies in Chemistry and Chemistry Related Programmes, coordinator Stephen Leharne, University of Greenwich, UK (2010-2013). Serbian coordinator of Research Group Linkage Project (2010-2014) supported by Humboldt Foundation, funded by BMBF named “Fundamental research on the removal of organic pollutants in water treatment by special hybrid processes”, German coordinator Prof. Dr-Ing Rolf Gimbel and Dr.-Ing. Ralph Hobby, University Duisburg-Essen. Currently leader of the project named “Water matrix and physico-chemical properties of relevant organic xenobiotics: implications on ecotoxicity and water treatment processess” funded by Ministry of Education, Science and technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. Menthor in near 40 diploma and master thesis, 1 PhD. Currently leads 2 PhD students. Recent relevant publications: 1. Leovac A., Vasyukova E., Ivančev-Tumbas I., Uhl W., Kragulj M., Tričković J., Kerkez Dj., Dalmacija B. (2015) Sorption of atrazine, alachlor and trifluralin from water onto different geosorbents, RSC Adv., 2015,5, 8122-8133 2. Ivančev-Tumbas I. (2014) The fate and importance of organics in drinking water treatment: a review, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Environm. Sci. & Poll. Res. 2014, 21, 11794-11810 3. Ivančev-Tumbas I., Djaković-Sekulić T., Molnar J., Tubić A., Agbaba J., Tričković J., Kragulj M. (2014) Correlation of Selected Molecular Properties and Recovery Values in Volatile Organic Compounds Analysis: Comparison of Two Water Matrices, RSC Advances, 4(96), 53730-53739. 4. Adamov J. Gadžurić S., Ivančev-Tumbas I., Djaković –Sekulić T., Dalmacija B., Gržetić I., Antonijević M. (2014) Recomendation for definition of study goals and learning outcomes in chemistry, Hemijski Pregled, 55 (2) 47-55 (In Serbian Language). 5. Lamel G., Comas E.J., Ivančev-Tumbas I. (2014) Higher education in environmental sciences with chemistry emphasis: bachelor and master programmes in Europe, Environmental Science and Pollution Research: Volume 21, Issue 11 (2014), Page 7211-7218 6. Tričković Jelena, Ivančev-Tumbas Ivana, Kragulj Marijana, Prica Miljana, Krčmar Dejan, Nikolić Aleksanda, Dalmacija Božo (2013) Structural Domains of Sediment Organic Matter Associated with Lindane Sorption and Desorption Behaviour, Journal of Serbian Chemical Society, Vol. 78, No. 6, Str. 883-895. 7. Ivančev-Tumbas I. Hobby R. (2010) Removal of organic xenobiotics by combined out/in ultrafiltration and powdered activated carbon adsorption, Desalination 255, 124-128. |
![]() Prof. Dr. Jasna Adamov |
Jasna Adamov Full professor at the Chair for Chemical Teaching methodology. Field of expertise: new e-learning strategies to teach chemistry and chemistry-related subjects using virtual chemical investigations and laboratory classes. Courses: Educational Technology, E-learning, Methods and Techniques of Learning, Design of Educational Material, Teaching Chemistry to the gifted students. Member of the taks force for implementation of E-learning in high education in Serbia. Experience of consultancy in higher and further education: learning and teaching. Lecturer at several seminars for professional development of chemistry teachers (Implementation of information-communication technology (ICT) in teaching, ICT-supported problem-based learning). Experience of doctoral supervision. Programme leader for MSc in teaching sciences and mathematics. 1. Cvjeticanin, S., Segedinac, M., Adamov, J. (2008) Attitudes of elementary teachers towards working with combined classes, Odgojne znanosti, Vol. 10, No. 1, 147-158 ISSN 1332-0000 UDK 371 (05) 2. Adamov, J., Segedinac, M., Cvjeticanin,S., Bakos, R. (2009) Concept maps as diagnostic tools in assessing the acquisition and retention of knowledge in biochemistry, Odgojne znanosti, 1(11), 53-71 3. Cvjetićanin, Stanko, Segedinac, Mirjana, Adamov, Jasna (2010) Activities of students from technical profiles in note-taking and using notes during the learning process, Didactica Slovenica (Pedagoška obzorja), 25/2010, 171-186 4. Adamov, J., Segedinac, M., Ković, M., Olic, S., Horvat, S. (2012), Laboratory Experiment as a Motivational Factor to Learn in Roma Elementary School Children, The New Educational Review, Adam Marszalek,Vol.28., Br. 2., 153-164. 5. Adamov, Jasna, Olić, Stanislava, Segedinac, Mirjana (2014), Efficiency of virtual experiment in elementary chemical education, Proceedings of New Perspectives in Science Education, 20-21. march, Florence, 72-76. 6. Adamov Jasna, Olić Stanislava, Jasmina Pastonjicki (2013), Multimedia principle in elementary chemical education, Information technology and development of education, 28. jun, Zrenjanin, 258-263. |
![]() Prof. Dr. Maja Turk Sekulić |
Maja Turk Sekulić Title: Ph. D. Position: Associate Professor Date of Birth: 15. 02. 1976. Place of Birth: Novi Sad, Serbia Citizenship: Serbia Native Languages: Serbian; Other Languages Spoken: English, French Education: B.Sc. Chemical Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology (ten semesters), Novi Sad 2003. M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Association of Centers for Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies and Developmental Research - ACIMSI, University Center for Environmental Engineering (four semesters), Novi Sad, July, 2006. Ph.D. thesis in Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, April, 2009. Professional Experience: May 1st, 2015 – present: Associate Professor, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. September 17th, 2009 – May 1st, 2015: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. December, 2004 – September 17th, 2009: Teaching Assistant at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Environmental Engineering. Practice, laboratory practice and computer practice in following courses: Practicum for Environmental Engineering, Environmental Data Analysis and Chemistry and Environmental Engineering. 2003 – 2004: Researcher - volunteer at the University Center for Environmental Engineering, Association of Centers for Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies and Developmental Research - ACIMSI, University of Novi Sad. November, 2003 – December 2004: Scholarship holder of Ministry of Science and Environment Protection, Republic of Serbia. Research on project «New generation of measurement and testing equipment in distribution of electricity», Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad – Project No. ETP.6.04.32023.Б; Contract No. 451-03-00236/2004-02/2171. Computer Skills: Well acquainted with the use of Microsoft Office tools (Word, Excel, PowerPoint Access, Front Page), ProEngineer, Matlab, Simulink, CorelDraw, Adobe Acrobat, Visual Basic, Origin, Statistica. Membership of Professional Bodies SETAC – The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry and Serbian Chemical Society SCS - Serbian Chemical Society, vice President of The Section for Environmental Chemistry and Protection Key Qualifications: Main Fields of Specializations: Analysis, Environmental Processes and Fate of POPs in the Environment; Biotic and Abiotic Transformations of POPs, Air Pollution, Gas/Particle Partitioning, Polychlorinated Biphenyls; Monitoring of Emerging Contaminants in Water; Passive Sampling Devices for Monitoring Air and Water Quality. Other Fields of Specializations: Water Quality; Waste Water Management and Monitoring; Partitioning, Dispersal and Retention of Organic Pollutants in Biotic and Abiotic Systems. Main Activities and Responsibilities: Teaching, Research, Leader in national, international and bilateral scientific projects. Professional Experience - Participation in International Cooperation: United Nations University, Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), Goerresstr. 15, D-53113 Bonn, Germany. (2005- ) Masaryk University, Research Centre for Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Kamenice 126/3, 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic. (2003- ) Slovak Hydrometerological Institute, Public institution, Jeseniova 17, 83315 Bratislava, Slovak Republic. (2006- ) Environmental Institute, s.r.o., Okruzna 784/42, 97241 Kos, Slovak Republic. (2007- ) DEKONTA s.r.o., Styndlova 11/A, 821 05 Bratislava, Slovak Republic (2007- ) Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Radlinského 9, 81237 Bratislava, Slovak Republic. (2011- ) University of Portsmouth, Faculty of Science, School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, University House, Winston Churchill Avenue, Portsmouth PO1 2UP, UK. (2012- ) University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Pharmacy, Obala Kulina Bana 7/II, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. (2012- ) University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Science, Bulevar vojvode Petra Bojovića 1A, 78000 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. (2012- ) Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, (2012- ) Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic. (2015- ) Environmental Research Institute, North Highland College, University of the Highlands and Islands, Scotland, United Kingdom (2011- ) Potsdam Institut Fuer Klimafolgenforschung, Germany (2016- ) Professional Experience - Participation in International Projects: War Induced Soil and Groundwater Damages in Western Balkan Countries, WISE, INCO SPECIFIC MEASURES, PART B (30/JUNE/04) Floods and Human Security – Tamis river, April-May 2005, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Novi Sad, United Nations University, Institute for Environment and Human Security, (UNU-EHS), Germany, University of Timisoara, Faculty of Geography, Romania, University of Salcburg, Z_GIS, Austria., ICA No. JB-2006-ICA-0-0002, 2005-2011. Institutional Support of Integrated Water Pollution Control and Management in Vojvodina Region with Application of EU Directives – WAPOL - SKVOJ, FTN, UNS/ 17 meseci, Project Ref. No. NPOA/G32/2004, januar 2006. – 2007. European Commission - The fifth framework Programme - (Call Identifier INCO COPERNICUS - ICFP501A2PR02), 2003. Assessment of the Selected POPs (PCBs, PCDDs/Fs, OCPs) in the Atmosphere and Water Ecosystems from the Waste Materials Generated by Warfare in Former Yugoslavia (APOPSBAL), ICA2 - CT2002-10007, 2002-2005. Strengthening the Capacity for Implementation of the Directive 76/464/EEC in Vojvodina Region. Evidencioni br.: SAMRS/2007/01/36 IV phase of Project MONET CEECs - POPs Concentrations in Ambient Air of the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE): Application of the passive air sampling technique as a tool for trend determination, and effectiveness evaluation of international conventions (January 2009 – ) Drinking Water Quality Risk Assessment and Prevention in Novi Sad Municipality, Serbia, NATO Project: ESP.EAP.SFP 984087, June 2011- The Use of Modern Analytical Methods for Characterization of Pollution of Drinking Water Sources in Novi Sad Municipality, BILATERAL SERBIАN-SLOVAK SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CO-OPERATION FOR 2012-2013, No. 680-00-140/2012-09/13. (Project Manager) Network for Education and Training for Public Environmental Laboratories – NETREL, TEMPUS: 530554-TEMPUS-1-2012-SK-JPHES, 15th October 2012 – Training and research in environmental chemistry and toxicology (CIII-SI-0905-02-1516), CEEPUS, 22.04.2015. - 01.05.2018. ESSEM COST Action ES1307: Sewage biomarker analysis for community health assessment (SCORE), 14.04.2014. - 13.04.2018. (MC Member) H2020_Insurance: Oasis Innovation Hub for Catastrophe and Climate Extremes Risk Assessment, H2020-IA-730381, 01.01.2017 – 01.01.2020. (Contact persons for Serbia) CA COST Action CA15121: Advancing marine conservation in the European and contiguous seas (MarCons) 01.06.2016 – 01.06.2016. (Substitute MC member) CT Networking for Overcoming Technical and Social Barriers in Instrumental Analytical Chemistry Education – NETCHEM, Erasmus+, EAC-A04-2015, 2016- ESSEM COST Action ES1205: Engineered NanoMaterials (ENMs) from wastewater Treatment & stormwater to Rivers, 5.04. 2013. – 4.04. 2017. CA COST Action CA15129: Diagnosis, Monitoring and Prevention of Exposure-Related Noncommunicable Diseases (DiMoPEx), 11.04.2016. – 10.04.2020. Selected Publications 1. Radonić, J., Kocić Tanackov, S., Mihalović, I., Grujić, Z., Vojinović Miloradov, M., Škrinjar, M., Turk Sekulić, M. (2017). Occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in human milk samples in Vojvodina, Serbia: Estimation of average daily intake by babies. Journal of Environmental Science & Health, Part B - Pesticides, Food Contaminants, & Agricultural Wastes, Vol. 52 Issue 1, p59-63. 5p. 2. Pap, S., Radonic, J., Trifunovic, S., Adamovic, D., Mihajlovic, I., Vojinovic Miloradov, M., Turk Sekulic, M. (2016). Evaluation of the adsorption potential of eco-friendly activated carbon prepared from cherry kernels for the removal of Pb2+, Cd2+ and Ni2+ from aqueous wastes, Journal of Environmental Management 184 (2016) 297-306. 3. Stošić, M., Čučak, D., Kovačević, S., Perović, M., Radonić, J., Turk Sekulić, M., Vojinović Miloradov, M., Radnović, D. (2016). Meat industry wastewater: microbiological quality and antimicrobial susceptibility of E. coli and Salmonella sp. isolates, case study in Vojvodina. Water Science and Technology, Volume 73, No. 10: 2509-2517. 4. Ilić, M., Putnik, S., Prvulović Bunović, N., Vojinović Miloradov, M., Mihajlović, I., Turk Sekulić, M., Radonić, J. (2016). Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Impact of sflatoxin difuranocoumarin derivative system – Case Report. Srp Arh Celok Lek, 144(11-12):661-663. 5. Sremački, M., Milanović, M., Mihajlović, I., Spanik, I., Radonić, J., Turk Sekulić, M., Milić, N., Vojinović Miloradov, M. (2016). Adaptation of screening analysis method for key pollutants in wastewater of meat industry. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Vol. 25 (11): 5008-5013. 6. Radonić, J., Jovčić Gavanski, N., Ilić, M., Popov, S., Batić Očovaj, S., Vojinović Miloradov, M., Turk Sekulić, M. (2016). Emission sources and health risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air during heating and non-heating periods in the city of Novi Sad, Serbia. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessessment, DOI 10.1007/s00477-016-1372-x. 7. Milanović, M., Sudji, J., Grujić Letić, N., Radonić, J., Turk Sekulić, M., Vojinović Miloradov, M., Milić, N. (2015). Seasonal variations of bisphenol A in the Danube by the Novi Sad municipality, Serbia. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, Vol 81, No 3: 333-345. 8. Grujić Letić, N., Milanović, M., Milić, N., Vojinović Miloradov, M., Radonić, J., Mihajlović, I., Turk Sekulić, M. (2015). Determination of Emerging Substance in the Danube and Potential Risk Evaluation. CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water, ISSN: 1863-0669, Volume 43, No. 5: 731-738. 9. Milić, N., Spanik, I., Radonić, J., Turk Sekulić, M., Grujić, N., Vyviurska, O., Milanović, M., Sremački, M., Vojinović Miloradov, M. (2014). Screening analyses of wastewater and Danube surface water in Novi Sad locality, Serbia. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 23 (2): 372-377. 10. Turk Sekulić, M., Okuka, M., Šenk, N., Radonić, J., Vojinović Miloradov, M., Vidicki, B. (2013). Assessment of atmospheric distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using a molecular structure model. Atmospheric Research 128: 111–119. 11. Vojinović Miloradov M, Turk Sekulić, M., Radonić, J., Milić, N., Grujić Letić, N., Mihajlović, I., Milanović, M. (2013). Industrial emerging chemicals in the environment. Hemijska industrija, DOI: 10.2298/HEMIND121110028V. 12. Milić, N., Milanović, M., Grujić Letić, N., Turk Sekulić, M., Radonić, J., Mihajlović, I., Vojinović Miloradov, M. (2012). Occurrence of antibiotics as emerging contaminant substances in aquatic environment. International Journal of Environmental Health Research ISSN 0960-3123, DOI: 10.1080/09603123.2012.733934. 13. Jovčić, N., Radonić, J., Turk Sekulić, M., Vojinović Miloradov, M., Popov, S. (2013). Identification of Emission Sources of Particle-Bound Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Vicinity of the Industrial Zone of the City of Novi Sad. Hemijska industrija. ISSN 0367-598X – UDK 504. 5:547(497.113), Volume 67, No. 2: 337-348. 14. Grujić, N., Milić, N., Turk Sekulić, M., Radonić, J., Milanović, M., Mihajlović, I., Vojinović Miloradov, M. (2012): Quantification of emerging organic contaminants in the Danube River samples by HPLC. Chemické Listy 106: s264-s266. 15. Radonic, J., Ćulibrk, D., Vojinovic Miloradov, M., Kukić, B., Turk Sekulic, M. (2011). Prediction of gas-particle partitioning of PAHs based on M5’ model trees. Thermal Science, 15 (1): 105-114. 16. Turk Sekulic, M., Radonic, J., Vojinovic Miloradov, M., Šenk, N., Okuka, M. (2011). Assessment of atmospheric distribution of polychlorinated biphenyls and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using polyparameter model. Hemijska industrija 65(4): 371-380. 17. Radonic, J., Vojinovic Miloradov, M., Turk Sekulic, M., Kiurski, J., Djogo, M., Milovanovic, D. (2011). The octanol-air partition coefficient, KOA as a predictor of gas-particle partitioning of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls at industrial and urban sites. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (J. Serb. Chem.) 76 (3): 447-458. 18. Radonic, J., Turk Sekulic, M., Vojinovic Miloradov, M., Čupr, P., Klánová, J. (2009) Gas-particle partitioning of persistent organic pollutants in the Western Balkan countries affected by war conflicts. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 16(1): 65-72. 19. Turk Sekulić, M., Radonić, J., Đogo, M., (2008). Characterization of gas/particle partitioning of PCBs and PAHs in a pilot area of Kragujevac, Serbia in Environmental, Health And Humanity Issues In The Down Danubian Region, Multidisciplinary Approaches (Ed. Mihailović, D., Vojinović Miloradov, M.). ISBN 978-981-283-439-3, World Scientific Pub Co Inc., pp. 284 -295. 20. Turk, M., Jakšić, J., Vojinović Miloradov, M., Klanova, J. (2007). Post-war levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in air from Serbia determined by active and passive sampling methods. Environmental Chemistry Letters (ECL) Journal 5: 109-113. |
![]() Prof. Dr. Dejan Orčić |
Dejan Orčić Assistant professor Dejan Orčić obtained a BSc Hons in Chemistry in 2003 from University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences (Serbia), followed by a PhD in Biochemistry in 2010, from the same institution. In period 2003–2007, he was employed as analyst in laboratory for food safety and environmental protection, and was in charge of instrumental techniques. Since 2011, he is employed at University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences as an assistant professor, teaching Biochemistry, Liquid chromatographic methods in biochemistry, Gas chromatographic analysis of natural products, Food biochemistry, and Ecological biochemistry. Actively participates in modernization of study programmes at Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection. The main research interest is the application of modern instrumental techniques – gas chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry – in identification and quantification of secondary biomolecules in medicinal plants, pesticide degradation products in test systems and environmental samples, and constituents and contaminants in foodstuff. He has published 23 papers in peer-reviewed journals (228 citations), currently supervises 3 PhD students and has mentored 11 BSc Hons theses and 7 MSc theses. He is co-founder of Laboratory for investigation of natural resources of pharmacologically and biologically active compounds (LAFIB) at University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences. In 2007–2009 provides consulting services for laboratories engaged in food quality and safety, and environmental protection analysis. Selected references: 1. Lesjak MM, Beara IN, Orčić DZ, Ristić JD, Anačkov GT, Božin BN, Mimica-Dukić NM (2013): Chemical characterisation and biological effects of Juniperus foetidissima Willd. 1806, LWT - Food Science and Technology 53:530-539. 2. Simin N, Orcic D, Cetojevic-Simin D, Mimica-Dukic N, Anackov G, Beara I, Mitic-Culafic D, Bozin B (2013): Phenolic profile, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic activities of small yellow onion (Allium flavum L. subsp. flavum, Alliaceae), LWT - Food Science and Technology 54:139-146. 3. Abramović BF, Despotović VN, Šojić DV, Orčić DZ, Csanádi JJ, Četojević-Simin DD (2013): Photocatalytic degradation of the herbicide clomazone in natural water using TiO2: Kinetics, mechanism, and toxicity of degradation products, Chemosphere 93:166–171. 4. Orčić D, Francišković M, Bekvalac K, Svirčev E, Beara I, Lesjak M, Mimica-Dukić N (2014): Quantitative determination of plant phenolics in Urtica dioica extracts by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometric detection, Food Chemistry 143:48–53. 5. Lesjak MM, Beara IN, Orčić DZ, Knežević PN, Simin NĐ, Svirčev EĐ, Mimica-Dukić NM (2014): Phytochemical composition and antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities of Juniperus macrocarpa Sibth. et Sm, Journal of Functional Foods 7:257-268. 6. Šojić DV, Orčić DZ, Četojević-Simin DD, Despotović VN, Abramović BF (2014): Kinetics and the mechanism of the photocatalytic degradation of mesotrione in aqueous suspension and toxicity of its degradation mixtures, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 392:67–75. |
![]() Prof. Dr. Ivana Mihajlović |
Ivana Mihajlović Assistant professor Ivana Mihajlović obtained a BSc Hons in Physical Chemistry in 2008 from the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physical Chemistry (Serbia), followed by a MSc in Physical Chemistry in 2009, from the same institution. In 2012, she received PhD in environmental sciences from University of Osnabrueck (Germany). In period 2009–2014, she was engaged as PhD student, junior researcher and research associate at Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad. Since 2011, she became a deputy head of accredited laboratory for monitoring of landfill, wastewater and air, at Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad. Responsible person for following courses in master and PhD degree: Physico-chemical principles, Methodology of instrumental analysis of air, Modern instrumental methods of analysis of pollutants in the environment. Author of book chapter, more than 100 publications (10 peer reviewed in SCI journals). 1. Mihajlović, I., Vojinović-Miloradov, M., Fries, E. (2011): Application of Twisselmann Extraction, SPME, and GC-MS To Assess Input Sources for Organophosphate Esters into Soil. Environ SciTechnol, Volume 45, No. 6: 2264-2269. 2. Fries, E., Mihajlović, I. (2011): Pollution of soils with organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, Volume 13, No. 10: 2692–2694. 3. Mihajlović, I., Fries, E. (2012): Atmospheric deposition of chlorinated organophosphate flame retardants (OFR) onto soils. Atmospheric Environment, Volume 56: 177–183. 4. Vukavić, T., Vojinović-Miloradov, M., Mihajlović, I., Ristivojević, A. (2013): Human milk POPs and neonatal risk trend from 1982 to 2009 in the same geographic region in Serbia. Environment International, Volume 54: 45-49. 5. Milić, N., Milanović, M., GrujićLetić, N., Turk Sekulić, M., Radonić, J., Mihajlović, I., VojinovićMiloradov, M. (2013): Occurrence of antibiotics as emerging contaminant substances in aquatic environment. International Journal of Environmental Health Research,ISSN 0960-3123 (Print), 1369-1619 (Online), Volume 23, No. 4: 296-310. 6. Vojinović-Miloradov M., Turk-Sekulić M., Radonić J., Milić N., Grujić-Letić N., Mihajlović I., Milanović M. (2014): Industrial emerging chemicals in the environment. Hemijskaindustrija, ISSN 0367-598X – UDK 504.5:547(497.113), Volume 68, No. 1: 51-62. 7. Mihajlović, I., Pap, S., Sremački, M., Brborić, M., Babunski, D., Đogo, M. (2014): Comparison of Spectrolyser Device Measurements with Standard Analysis of Wastewater Samples in Novi Sad, Serbia. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Volume 93: 354-359. 8. VojinovićMiloradov. M., Mihajlović, I., Vyviurska, O., Cacho, F., Radonić, J., Milić, N., Spanik, I. (2014): Impact of wastewater discharges to Danube surface water pollution by emerging and priority pollutants in the vicinity of Novi Sad, Serbia. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, ISSN: 1018-4619, Volume 23, No. 9: 2137-2145. 9. GrujićLetić, N., Milanović, M., Milić, N., VojinovićMiloradov, M., Radonić, J.,Mihajlović, I., Turk Sekulić, M. (2015): Determination of Emerging Substances in the Danube and Potential Risk Evaluation. CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water, ISSN: 1863-0669,Volume 43, No. 5: 731-738. 10. Milanović M, Mihajlović I, Pap S, Brborić M, Đogo M, GrujićLetić N, Nježić Z, Milić N. (2015): Necessity of meat-processing industry’s wastewater treatment - a one-year trial in Serbia. Desalination and Water Treatment, Taylor & Francis, doi:10.1080/19443994.2015.1075431 pp 1-7; ISSN 1944-3994 11. Mihajlović, I. Recent Development of Phosphorus Flame Retardants in Thermoplastic Blends and Nanocomposites. In: Flame Retardants Polymer Blends, Composites and Nanocomposites, Editors: P.M. Visakh, Yoshihiko Arao, Springer, Switzerland, 2015, 79-114, ISBN 978-3-319-03466-9, ISBN 978-3-319-03467-6 (eBook), DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-03467-6. |
![]() Prof. Dr. Jelena Radonić |
Jelena Radonić Date and place of birth: 6th July 1976, Novi Sad, Autonomous Province Vojvodina, Serbia Present academic position: Associate Professor at Department of Environmental Engineering and Occupational Health and Safety, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 6, 21000 Novi Sad Education: (1983-91) Elementary School “Svetozar Marković Toza”, Novi Sad, Serbia (1991-95) Grammar School “Isidora Sekulić”, Novi Sad, Serbia (1995-2002) Faculty of Technology, Univeristy of Novi Sad, AP Vojvodina, Serbia Graduated: (2002) Chemical Engineer Teaching Assistant: (2004-2009) Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad Assistant Professor: (2009-2015) Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad Associate Professor: (2015 - ) Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad Selected projects: European Commission - The fifth framework Programme - (Call Identifier INCO COPERNICUS - ICFP501A2PR02), 2003. Assessment of the selected POPs (PCBs, PCDDs/Fs, OCPs) in the atmosphere and water ecosystems from the waste materials generated by warfare in former Yugoslavia (APOPSBAL), ICA2 - CT2002-10007, 2002-2005. Floods and human security – Tamis river, April-May 2005, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad; United Nations University, Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), Germany; University of Timisoara, Faculty of Geography, Romania; University of Salcburg, Z_GIS, Austria., ICA No. JB-2006-ICA-0-0002, 2005-2007 Institutional support of integrated water pollution control and management in Vojvodina region with application of EU directives – WAPOL - SKVOJ, Slovak AID, Project Ref. No. NPOA/G32/2004, 2006-2007 Determination of trends in the ambient air POPs concentrations in the Central and Eastern European Region using the polyurethane foam based passive air samplers (PAS_CEECs), RECETOX, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, 2006-2007 Strengthening the Capacity for Implementation of the Directive 76/464/EEC in Vojvodina Region, Project Ref. No. SAMRS/2007/01/36, Slovak AID, 2008-2009 MONET CEECs - POPs concentrations in ambient air of the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE): Application of the passive air sampling technique as a tool for trend determination, and effectiveness evaluation of international conventions, RECETOX, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, 2009- Drinking Water Quality Risk Assessment and Prevention in Novi Sad municipality, Serbia, NATO Project: ESP.EAP.SFP 984087, 2011-2014 Network for education and training for public environmental laboratories – NETREL, TEMPUS: 530554-TEMPUS-1-2012-SK-JPHES, 2012–2016 Тrаining аnd rеsеаrch in environmental chemistry and toxicology (CIII-SI-0905-02-1516), 2015-2016 ESSEM COST Action ES1307: Sewage biomarker analysis for community health assessment (SCORE), 14.04.2014. - 13.04.2018. H2020_Insurance: Oasis Innovation Hub for Catastrophe and Climate Extremes Risk Assessment, H2020-IA-730381, 01.01.2017 – 01.01.2020. CA COST Action CA15121: Advancing marine conservation in the European and contiguous seas (MarCons), 01.06.2016 – 01.06.2016. CT Networking for Overcoming Technical and Social Barriers in Instrumental Analytical Chemistry Education – NETCHEM, Erasmus+, EAC-A04-2015, 2016- ESSEM COST Action ES1205: Engineered NanoMaterials (ENMs) from wastewater Treatment & stormwater to Rivers, 05.04. 2013. – 04.04. 2017. CA COST Action CA15129: Diagnosis, Monitoring and Prevention of Exposure-Related Noncommunicable Diseases (DiMoPEx), 11.04.2016. – 10.04.2020. International experience: (2002) Summer School of Chemical Engineering, University of Dortmund, Germany (2006) Workshop for PhD students, Role of Vulnerability in Disaster Risk Reduction, United Nations University EHS, Bonn, Germany (2008) 4th Summer School of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology 2008, Research Centre for Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic Chapters in books: Turk-Sekulić, M., Radonić, J., Đogo, M.: Characterization of gas/particle partitioning of PCBs and PAHs in a pilot area of Kragujevac, Serbia. In Environmental, Health and Humanity Issues in the Down Danubian Region: Multidisciplinary Approaches, ISBN 978-981-283-439-3, 2009. World Scientific Pub Co Inc, pp. 285-295 Radonić, J., Turk-Sekulić, М., Vojinović- Miloradov, М.: Environmental pollution by organic contaminants as the contributors of the global warming. In: Causes, Impacts and Solutions to Global Warming, ISBN: 978-1-4614-7587-3, 2013. Springer New York, pp. 129-142 Pažitná, A., Vyviurska, O., Vojinovic Miloradov, M., Milovanovic, D., Radonic, J., Špánik, I.: Drinking Water Quality Risk Assessment and Prevention in Municipality of Novi Sad, Serbia. In: Pokroky v analytickej chémii, ISBN 978-80-227-3989-4, 2013. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, pp. 141-160 Peer rewieved articles: 1. Turk, M., Jakšić, J., Vojinović Miloradov, M., Klanova, J. (2007): Post-war levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in air from Serbia determined by active and passive sampling methods. Environmental Chemistry Letters (ECL), Journal 5: 109-113 2. Radonic, J., Turk Sekulic, M., Vojinovic Miloradov, M., Čupr, P., Klánová, J. (2009): Gas-particle partitioning of persistent organic pollutants in the Western Balkan countries affected by war conflicts. Environmental Science and Pollution Research Volume 16, Issue 1: 65-72 3. Radonić, J., Vojinović Miloradov, M., Turk Sekulić, M., Kiurski, J., Djogo, M., Milovanović, D. (2011): The octanol-air partition coefficient, KOA, as a predictor of gas-particle partitioning of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls at industrial and urban sites. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (J. Serb. Chem. Soc.), Volume 76, No. 3: 447–458 4. Radonić, J., Ćulibrk, D., Vojinović Miloradov, M., Kukić, B., Turk Sekulić, M. (2011): Prediction of Gas-Particle Partitioning of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Based on M5' Model Trees. Thermal Science, Volume 15, No. 1: 105-114 5. Turk Sekulić, M., Radonić, J., Vojinović-Miloradov, M., Šenk, N., Okuka, M. (2011): Procena atmosferske raspodele polihlorovanih bifenila i policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika primenom poliparametarskog modela. Hemijska industrija, Volume 65, No. 4: 371-380 6. Jovčić, N., Radonić, J., Turk Sekulić, M., Vojinović Miloradov, M., Popov, S. (2013): Identifikacija izvora emisije čestične frakcije policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika u neposrednoj blizini industrijske zone Novog Sada. Hemijska industrija, Volume 67, No. 2: 337-348 7. Milić, N., Milanović, M., Grujić Letić, N., Turk Sekulić, M., Radonić, J., Mihajlović, I., Vojinović Miloradov, M. (2013): Occurrence of antibiotics as emerging contaminant substances in aquatic environment. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 23(4):296-310 8. Turk Sekulić, M., Okuka, M., Šenk, N., Radonić, J., Vojinović Miloradov, M., Vidicki, B. (2013): Assessment of atmospheric distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using a molecular structure model. Atmospheric Research, Volume 128: 111–119 9. Vojinović-Miloradov M., Turk-Sekulić M., Radonić J., Milić N., Grujić-Letić N., Mihajlović I., Milanović M. (2014): Industrial emerging chemicals in the environment. Hemijska industrija 68 (1) 51–62 10. Milić, N., Spanik, I., Radonić, J., Turk Sekulić, M., Grujić, N., Vyviurska, O., Milanović, M., Sremački, M., Vojinović Miloradov, M. (2014): Screening analyses of wastewater and Danube surface water in Novi Sad locality, Serbia. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, ISSN: 1018-4619, Izdavač: Parlar scientific publications, Volume 23, No. 2: 372-377 11. Vojinović Miloradov. M., Mihajlović, I., Vyviurska, O., Cacho, F., Radonić, J., Milić, N., Spanik, I. (2014): Impact of wastewater discharges to Danube surface water pollution by emerging and priority pollutants in the vicinity of Novi Sad, Serbia. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Volume 23, No. 9: 2137-2145 12. Grujić Letić, N., Milanović, M., Milić, N., Vojinović Miloradov, M., Radonić, J., Mihajlović, I., Turk Sekulić, M. (2014): Determination of Emerging Substances in the Danube and Potential Risk Evaluation. CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water, Volume 43, No. 5: 731-738 13. Milanović, M., Sudji, J., Grujić Letić, N., Radonić, J., Turk Sekulić, M., Vojinović Miloradov, M., Milić, N. (2015): Seasonal variations of bisphenol A in the Danube by the Novi Sad municipality, Serbia. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, Volume 81, No. 3: 333-345 14. Stošić, M., Čučak, D., Kovačević, S., Perović, M., Radonić, J., Turk Sekulić, M., Vojinović Miloradov, M., Radnović, D. (2016): Meat industry wastewater: microbiological quality and antimicrobial susceptibility of E. Coli and Salmonella sp. Isolates, case study in Vojvodina, Serbia. Water Science and Technology, Volume 73, No. 10: 2509-2517 15. Pap, S., Radonic, J., Trifunovic, S., Adamovic, D., Mihajlovic, I., Vojinovic Miloradov, M., Turk Sekulic, M. (2016): Evaluation of the adsorption potential of eco-friendly activated carbon prepared from cherry kernels for the removal of Pb2+, Cd2+ and Ni2+ from aqueous wastes. Journal of Environmental Management 184: 297-306 16. Ilić, M., Putnik, S., Prvulović Bunović, N., Vojinović Miloradov, M., Mihajlović, I., Turk Sekulić, M., Radonić, J. (2016): Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Impact of sflatoxin difuranocoumarin derivative system – Case Report. Srp Arh Celok Lek 144(11-12): 661-663 17. Sremački, M., Milanović, M., Mihajlović, I., Spanik, I., Radonić, J., Turk Sekulić, M., Milić, N., Vojinović Miloradov, M. (2016): Adaptation of screening analysis method for key pollutants in wastewater of meat industry. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Volume 25 (11): 5008-5013 18. Radonić, J., Jovčić Gavanski, N., Ilić, M., Popov, S., Batić Očovaj, S., Vojinović Miloradov, M., Turk Sekulić, M. (2016). Emission sources and health risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air during heating and non-heating periods in the city of Novi Sad, Serbia. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessessment, DOI 10.1007/s00477-016-1372-x 19. Radonić, J., Kocić Tanackov, S., Mihalović, I., Grujić, Z., Vojinović Miloradov, M., Škrinjar, M., Turk Sekulić, M. (2017). Occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in human milk samples in Vojvodina, Serbia: Estimation of average daily intake by babies. Journal of Environmental Science & Health, Part B - Pesticides, Food Contaminants, & Agricultural Wastes, Volume 52, Issue 1: 59-63 |