Agricultural University of Tirana
![]() Prof. Dr. Renata Kongoli |
Renata Kongoli Personal information First name(s)/Surname(s) Renata KONGOLI Address(es): Rr. Myslym Shyri, Pallati 3/320, Tirana, Albania Telephone(s): ++ 355 42242914; ++ 355 68 60 37803 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Nationality: Albanian Date of birth: 11.10.1965 Gender: Female Desired employment / Occupational field – Professor Food Technology, Fruit and Vegetable Processing, Oenology and Beverages, Food Quality and Safety, Research Methodology Work experience: 21 years Dates 1995-2017 – Occupation or position held Dean of Faculty Main activities and responsibilities: Lecturer, Professor, Head of Department of Food Technology, Vice Dean of FBF Name and address of employer: Faculty of Biotechnology and Food, Agricultural University of Tirana Type of business or sector: Higher Education Institution (University) Education and training Dates Add separate entries for each relevant course you have completed, starting from the most recent. (remove if not relevant, see instructions) Title of qualification awarded Full Professor, Doctor of Sciences, Industrial Chemist, Analytical Chemist International Quality Auditor, Olive Oil taster, Wine Taster Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Chemistry/ Oenology, Food Technology, Food Preservation, Food Quality & Safety Name and type of organisation providing education and training Natural Sciences Faculty, Tirana University Faculty of Biotechnology and Food, Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) Specify mother tongue Albanian Other language(s): English, Italian Self-assessment Understanding;Speaking; Writing Social skills and competences: Balanced character, strong will, patient Organisational skills and competences: Good moderator, Administrator, Leader Technical skills and competences: Industrial chemist, Chemical Analyst, Oenologist, Food technologist, Food Quality and Safety Expert, Freelance Expert, Lecturer-Researcher, Head of NFA Board, Text books and Scientific articles author, etc… Computer skills and competences: Word, Excel, Adobe reader, Internet Artistic skills and competences: Literacy, Music, Piano play, Fitness Driving licence: Albania, category of vehicle B |
![]() Prof. Ass. Dr. Rozeta Hasalliu |
Rozeta Hasalliu Home: Rruga “5 Maji” Nd.44, H75, Ap.29 Tirana, 1012, Albania Office:, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food, Agricultural University of Tirana Tirana, Albania +355 (0) 689013980 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Sex Female | Date of birth 16/06/1978 | Nationality Albanian POSITION WORK EXPERIENCE Vice Dean for Research and Science Cooperation in Faculty of Biotechnology and Food, Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania 06.09.2013 – Present Vice Dean for Research and Science Cooperation in Faculty of Biotechnology and Food, Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania 20.02.2012 – 06.09.2013 Member of Administration’s Council of Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania 01.03.2008 – Present Lecturer of “Microbiology and Biotechnology of Wine”, “Milk and Dairy Microbiology”, “Spoilage microorganisms”, “Fermentation and food safety”. “Biotechnology of Microorganisms with Interest in Food Industry” Department of Agro-food Biotechnology, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food, Agricultural University of Tirana 02.05.2002 – 01.03.2008 Assistant Lecturer in Food Microbiology 01.09.2001 – 30.04.2002 Position: Chemistry and Biology teacher Private College “Flabina”, Tirana, Albania EDUCATION AND TRAINING 29.05.2013 “Associated Professor” 26.01.2011 “Docent” 14.10.2009 PhD in the field of Dairy Microbiology: Doctoral Thesis “Qualitative and quantitative assessment of bacteriological contamination and risk of pathogens in cheeses made in Albania, with different technological conditions". Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania. 31.03.2005 Master of Science: University of Natural of Science, Tirana. Albania in collaboration with Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania. Laboratory of Microbiology. Field of Research: Microbiology and Biotechnology. Micro thesis: “The microbial transformation of the olive oil industry wastes” 01.09.1996 – 28.07.2001 BACHELOR OF BIOLOGY. UNIVERSITY OF NATURAL OF SCIENCE, TIRANA. ALBANIA Major: Biology TRAININGS 16 – 20.01.2017 Participation at the Advance Course "USE OF BIOSENSORS FOR FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY" organized from CIHEAM and IAMZ Instituto Agronomico Mediterraneo De Zaragoza, Spain. 09 – 10.01.2017 Participation at "Kick of Meeting" of the Erasmus Project NETCHEM/573885-EPP-1-2016-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, ICT Networking for Overcoming Technical and Social Barriers in Instrumental Analytical Chemistry Education- NETCHEM, University of NiS, Serbia 16 – 20.10.2016 Participation at the final Conference of the project SEECEL (South east europian center for europian entrepreneurial learning) ISCED 5/6 Towards the Entrepreneural University. Sibenik, Croatia. 29 – 30.09.2016 Participation at the final Conference of the project 543742-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-AT-TEMPUS-JPHES “ConSus-Connecting Science-Society Collaborations for Sustainiblity Innovations” Waste management in Food Industry for Sustainable Development. Durres, Albania. 29-30.09.2016 14 – 19.03.2016 Traning at BOKU University, Vienna, Austria. Participation at the project 543742-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-AT-TEMPUS-JPHES “ConSus-Connecting Science-Society Collaborations for Sustainiblity Innovations. Environmental sustainability and grand challenges on focus on climate change and the challenge of alternative energy production. 28 – 29.01.2016 Partipication in the Consus-"Connecting Science-Society Collaborations for Sustainiblity Innovations" training on Creative and Innovative methods. Tirane, Albania. 2015 – 2016 Participation at the project "Capacity building manufacturer of rural mountain communities of Puka and Cukali in Albania, for a Sustainable Development in Agriculture" financed by the Municipality of Milan (Italy) 2014 – 2016 Participation at the project SEECEL (South east europian center for europian entrepreneurial learning) ISCED 5/6 Towards the Entrepreneural University. 06 – 11.07.2015 Traning at Graz University, Austria. Participation at the project 543742-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-AT-TEMPUS-JPHES “ConSus-Connecting Science-Society Collaborations for Sustainiblity Innovations”. ' Integrative development processes for sustainable and regionl development. 03.04 – 01.07.2015 Participation as a individual consultant at the project: “Miniaturization technology: synergies of research and innovation to enhance the economic development of the Adriatic” – IPATECH2°ord./0169; Contract title:“Organization of the trainings on the Mini Diary product line". 17 – 18 .01. 2014 Participation at the Regional Seminar “Western Balcans platform on Educational and Trainig: Regional Conference on Cooperation Opportunities in the Erasmus+ Programme", 17-18 January 2014 at the Academy of Athens, Greece. The European Commission's Education and Culture Directorate-General (DG EAC) 02 – 06.06.2014 Research visit to “Microbiology and Wine Research Institute”, Johanes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany. 09 – 28.05.2005 Training at Agricultural University of Rene, France. Tempus Project UM-JEP 17083-2002 for Microbial analyses of milk and dairy products, the use of starter culture on production of dairy products. 15 – 17.11. 2003 Training at Agricultural University of Athens, Greece. Joint project with laboratory of Microbiology, "The microbial transformation of the olive oil industry wastes"
Mother tongue(s) Albanian Other language(s) English B2 Certificate of Foreign Languages Faculty, University of Tirana Italian B2 Communication skills Good communication skills with academics and researchers colleagues in research project and good communication with students in lessons and trainings. Organisational/managerial skills Vice Dean for Research and Science Cooperation in Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Job-related skills Lecturer in Food Microbiology and Laboratory analysis. Computer skills Good command of MS Word, MS Excel, Power point. Other skills Love to travel and experience different cultures. Driving licence Driving licence category: B ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Publications Hasalliu R. (2016). Waste management in Food Industry for a Sustainable Development. Online published Vienna, Austria. Hasalliu R., Mamoci E., (2015) "The influence of starter culture on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus during the ripening of an artisanal cheese made in Albania" Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE), Vol.16, No. 2, 594-600, ISSN 1311-5065, Impact Factor (2014) = 0.838; Sofia, Bulgaria Mamoci, E., Hasalliu, R., Hodaj, E., Kapedani, M. (2014): “Effect of essential oils on Penicillium digitatum growth”, Albanian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol.. 13, Issue 1, Pages 1-6, ISSN 2218-2020, UIF 1.714. Nikleka, E., (Llukovi), Shumka S, Hasalliu, R. (2013): “Application of Shannon- Wiener index and other parameters as a measure of pollution in a drinking reservoir”. International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES), Essays on Eco-systems and Environmental Research, Albania Volume 3/3, June, 2013. ISSN 2224-4980. Hasalliu, R., Beli, E. Terpollari, J., Hamiti, Xh.. (2012),”Effect of pH of Cheeses on the Growth of Staphylococcus aureus”, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE), Vol.13, No. 1, 168-172, ISSN 1311-5065, Impact Factor (2014) = 0.838 Sofia, Bulgaria. Hasalliu, R., Beli, E. Terpollari, J. (2011): “The classification of raw milk by total bacterial count in some places of collection in Albania”. Albanian Journal of Natural and Technical Sciences (AJNTS), published by Academy of Sciences of Albania. Nr31.(2), ISSN 2074-0864 Hasalliu, R., Beli, E., Terpollari, J. (2010): “Evaluation of the pollution level of water of the well in a peripheral area of Tirana, by microbiological parameters”. Natura Montenegrina, Podgorica, 10(2):157-160. ISSN 1800-7155. Hasalliu, R. Beli, E. Terpollari, J. (2010): “The evolution of risk of Staphylococcus aureus during the production of cheese in some dairies in Albania”. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies, Vol. 4. ISSN 1313-2539 Sofia, Bulgaria. Hasalliu, R. Beli, E. Terpollari, J. (2010): “Evaluation of Staphylococcus aureus of raw milk on the produce of its enterotoxin in some places of collection of raw milk in Kavaja, Albania”. World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology. Vol.64. ISSN 2070-3724. Romë, Itali. Hasalliu, R. Sini, K. (2009): “Studimi i trajtimit fiziko-kimik i mbetjes së lëngët të industriesë së vajit të ullirit” “Study of Physical-chemical treatment of olive oil mill waste water”. Science Bulletin of Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania. Nr.10/vol 12. Hasalliu, R., Beli, E., Terpollari, J (2009): “The influence of storage temperature of cheese on the incidence of staphylococcus aureus in some markets in Albania”, Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences, published by Banat`s Agricultural University of Timisioara, Rumani.vol.41 (2) ISSN 2066-1843 Hasalliu, R. Beli, E. Terpollari, J. “The influence of physico-chemical parameters of cheeses made from raw and pasteurized milk in Albania on incidence of Staphylococcus aureus”, Albanian Journal of Natural and Technical Sciences (AJNTS), published by Academy of Sciences of Albania. Nr. 25(1), 2009. ISSN 2074-0864 Hasalliu, R., Sini, K., (2008) “Microbial transformation of the olive oil mill waste water”, Science Bulletin of Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania. Nr.11/vol8. Hasalliu, R., Beli, E., Terpollari, J. (2008): “Incidence of Staphylococcus aureus in cheese produced in Albania”, Albanian Journal of Natural and Technical Sciences (AJNTS), published by Academy of Sciences of Albania. Nr. 24(1). Teaching Book: Kongoli, R., Hasalliu, R., Morina, A., (2014): “Rreziqet ne ushqime dhe monitorimi i tyre”. "Hazards in Food and their Monitoration"; Publishing house "Maluka" ISBN 9928-134-47-9. R. Hasalliu (2015): Microbiology and Biotechnology of Wine": Publishing house Dita 2000; ISBN 978-9928-187-27-7 International conferences Participation at the final Conference of the project 543742-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-AT-TEMPUS-JPHES “ConSus-Connecting Science-Society Collaborations for Sustainiblity Innovations” Waste management in Food Industry for Sustainable Development. Durres, Albania. 29-30.09.2016 Rozeta Hasalliu, Krenar Gozhdari, Fatbardha Meta, Renata Kongoli: Evaluation of yeasts growth during production of Kallmet wine, with spontaneous fermentation and inoculated fermentation with Saccharomyces bayanus yeast; Research Symposium, Academic Prof. Dr. Mentor Permeti. Abstract Book. Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania. 10 Dhjetor 2015. Erion Mamoci, Rozeta Hasalliu, Entela Hodaj, Dorina Mamoci (2014): “Antifungal activity of essential oils from Albanian medicinal plants’’ First International Conference on “Biotechnology in Agriculture’’. Agricultural, University of Tirana, Albania. 22-23 April 2014. Mamoci, E., Hodaj, E., Hasalliu, R. (2014): “Chemical composition and antifungal activity of essential oils from Albanian medicinal plants”. 8-th CMAPSEEC Conference on medicinal and Aromatic plants of Southeast European Countries. May 19-22, 2014, Durrës, Albania. International Conference on Towards future sustainable development 16 - 17 November 2012, Shkodër, Albania University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi” “Microbiological control of sausage for Staphylococcus aureus in some stores in Tirana” Rozeta HASALLIU1, Elvira BELI2, Jorinda Terpollari2 Book of abstracts ISBN 978-9928-4135-0-5, Proceedings ISBN 978-9928-4011-9-9. International Conference, France 2012."Isolation of aphid antifeedant compounds from mediterranean plants". Erjon Mamoci 1, Ivana Cavoski 2, Ma Fe Andre 3, Carmen Elisa Díaz 4, Rozeta Hasalliu 1, Azucena Gonzalez-Coloma. Enkeleda Nikleka (Llukovi), Spase Shumka, Rozeta Hasalliu (2012): “Zooplankton variability as a response to variations in the living conditions in a man-made lake as Bovilla reservoir” . International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE) Tirana, Albania, June 1-6, 2012 Proceeding Book ICE _2012. ISBN: 978-9928-4068-2-8l International conference “Standarditation, protypes and quality: Ameans of Balkan Countries’Collaboration”. From Albanian Organization for Quality (AOQ), Tirane, 5-6 Tetor, 2012. “MICROBIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF MINCED MEAT FOR TOTAL AEROBIC MESOPHILIC BACTERIA AND COLIFORMS IN SOME STORES IN TIRANA” Rozeta HASALLIU1, Elvira BELI2, Enkeleda Nikleka1, Erion Mamoci 1, Jorinda Terpollari2. Proceedings Faqe.520. International Conference on Towards future sustainable development 16 - 17 November 2012, Shkodër, Albania University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi” "The effect of storage temperature of pica’s cheese on production of staphylococcus aureus enter toxin in some pica’s store in Albania" Rozeta HASALLIU*1, Elvira BELI2, Jorinda Terpollari2. Book of abstracts ISBN 978-9928-4135-0-5, Proceedings ISBN 978-9928-4011-9-9. International Conference of Ecosistems. “The microbiological survey of raw milk in some places of milk collection in Albania”. R.Hasalliu, E. Beli, E. Nikleka, J.Terpollari. Abstract book ISBN: 978-9928-4068-0-4. Proceeding Book ISBN: 978-9928-4068-1-1. Tiranë, Albania, June, 4-6, 2011. International Conference on Carstic Water Bodies in Albania. “The effect of temperature on growth of Coliforms in some bottled waters of the market of Albania” R.Hasalliu, E. Beli, J.Terpollari. Abstract book ISBN: 978-99956-16-49-6. Proceeding Book ISBN: 978-99956-16-60,9-11, June, Elbasan, 2011. International Conference of Agriculture, Food and Environment. “The effect of starter culture on pH of cheese during the ripening” R.Hasalliu, E. Beli, E. Nikleka, L. Kupe, J.Terpollari. Agricultural University of Korça, Albania. 27-28 May, 2011. Proccedings 978-99-28-14-602-1 International Conference of Agriculture, Food and Environment. “A floristic data of diatoms from Ohrid lake”. L. Kupe, D.Kurti, A.Imeri, M.Cara., A. Kalajxhiu, E. Dodona, R. Hasalliu. Agricultural University of Korça, Albania. 27-28 May, 2011. Proceedings 978-99-28-14-602-1. International Conference of Alb-Shkenca, Tiranë, Shqipëri. “The influence of total bacterial count on the classification of raw milk in some places of collection in Albania”, Abstract book ISSN 978-9928-4001-7-8. 02-5/09/2010. International Conference of Alb-Shkenca, Prishtinë, Kosove. “Evaluation of total aerobic mesophilic bacteria and coliforms of raw milk in some places of collection of raw milk in Albania”.01-3/10/2010 Hasalliu, R. Beli, E. Terpollari, J. (2009): “The influence of storage temperature of cheese on the incidence of Staphylococcus aureus in some markets in Albania. International Symposium “Trends In European Agriculture Development”, Banat`s Agriculture University of Timosioara, RUMANI. Hasalliu, R. Beli, E. Terpollari, J. (2008): “Survey of physicochemical parameters in cheeses with incidence of Staphylococcus aureus”, Proccedings of International Conference of Biology and Environmental Sciences, published by Faculty of Natural Science, ALBANIA. ISBN 978-99956-05-85-8. |
Prof. Dr. Kapllan Sulaj |
Kapllan Sulaj Prof. Dr. Kapllan Sulaj is Vice Dean of FBF for Teaching and Curricula Development. He is graduated as Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in1993 at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in AUT. He has a long experience on food sciences mainly on food safety and legislation. He posses e reach scientific and teaching experience. He got the PhD in 2001in field of food control. In 2012 he got the academic title "Professor". Prof. K. Sulaj has held different administrative positions at the Institute of Food Safety and Veterinary working for 18 years. He was CVO of Albania (Chief of Veterinary Organization) from 2008-2010. He is lecturer of different subjects of food safety, food microbiology, food toxicology, HACCP and Lab. Analyses 1. Kapllan Sulaj, Elvira Beli, Jorida Terpollari, Perparim Minarolli, Artan Bego, Lumturi Merkuri. Incdence of Salmonella spp in imported meat in Albania from 2004-to 2005. Albanian Journal of Medicine, 3, 2007, pp: 7-14. 2. Orhan Sahin, Paul J. Plummer, Kapllan Sulaj, Dianna M. Jordan, Sonia Pereira, Suelee Robbe-Austerman, Liping Wang, Michael J. Yaeger, Lorraine J. Hoffman and Qijing Zhang. Emergence of a Tetracycline-resistant Campylobacter jejuni Clone Associated with Outbreaks of Ovine Abortion in United States. Jurnal of Clinical Microbiology, USA, May 2008, p. 1663–1671 (original) 3. Kapllan Sulaj, Kastriot Korro, Solol Duro, Pellumb Zalla, Pellumb Aleksi & Dhimiter Rapti. Microbiological pollution of sea water samples collected from Butrinti Lagoon in Albania, 2009, Natura Montenegrina, 8 (2), pp: 101-105.. 4. K. Sulaj, A. Bego, P. Aleksi, J. Terpollari, Dh. Rapti, K. Korro, G. Arcangeli. La qualita microbiologica di mitili (Mytillus galloprovincialis) allevati nella laguna di Butriniti-Albania (Mussels: Inetersting news from Albania). Cozze: novita interesanti dall’Albania, La ricerca applicata-Applied Research, 2009 Eurofishmarket no. 2, pp: 68-72 . 5. Laci D, Beli E, Sulaj K. Presence of Listeria monocytogenes i fresh cow s’milk colected from Kavaja and Lushnja districts. Albanian Journal of Agriculture Sciences 11, Vol. 8., 2009: pp:53-58. 6. V. Gjinovci, B. Bijo, K. Sulaj, A. Musaj and R. Keqi. Check on the presence of enterobacteria and Salmonella spp. in sausage. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment. Bulgaria, Volume 24, Number 2, 2010, pp: 581-584. 7. Gjinovci, V., Bijo, B., Sulaj, K., Musaj, A., Terpollari J. Control and hygienic sausages production. Albanian Journal of Agriculture Sciences , Nr. 13, Volume 9, 2010, pp: 87-93 . 8. Halit Memoci, Kapllan Sulaj. Contaminatio with Listeria monocytogenes of live Mytilus galloprovincialis collected from Butrinti Lagoon southern Albania. Natura Montenegrina 10 (2), 2011, pp:143-148. 9. Memoci H, Sulaj K, Berxholi K. Control of mussels for presence of L. monocytogenes in production zone of Butrinti lagoon. Bulletin of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tirana, 10, 2011 pp: 115-125. 10. Halit Memoci, Kapllan Sulaj. (2011) Contamination with Listeria monocytogenes of live Mytilus galloprovincialis collected from Butrinti Lagoon southern Albania. Natura Montenegrina 10 (2), pp, 101-105,(ISSN1451-5776,ISSN 1800-7155-on line edition),, 11. Kapllan Sulaj, Halit Memoci, Xhuljeta Hamiti, Kastriot Korro, Fejzo Selami. (2011) Listeria monocytogenes in live Mytillis galloprovincialis collected from Butrinti lagoon located in south part of Albania. Journal of Life Sciences (ISSN1934-7391), USA),, USA, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 12. Kapllan Sulaj, Jorida Terpollari, Renata Kongoli, Kastriot Korro, Sokol Duro, Fejzo Selami, Ilirian Kumbe, Bejo Bizhga (2012). Incidence of coagulase positive Staphylococcus aureus in raw cow milk produced by cattle farms in Fieri region in Albania. Journal of Life Sciences (ISSN1934-7391), USA. 13. E. Cappellozza, G. Arcangeli, M. Rosteghin, S. Kapllan, C. Magnabosco, E. Bertoli and C. Terregino. Survival of Hepatitis A virus in pasteurized Manila clams. Italian Journal of Food Sciencve, Volume XXIV no. 3, 2012, p: 247-254. 14. Kapllan Sulaj Alketa Gjurgji. Occurrence of E. coli O: 157 H:7 of ground meat samples collected from butcher shops in Tirana market , Albanian j. agric. sci. 2013; 12(3):349-352 ICID: 1069657. |
![]() Jona Mulliri |
Jona Mulliri Jona Mulliri is graduated in Computer of Science at Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tirana, in 2009. She was employed as Academic worker in Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania, in Faculty of Economy & Agribusiness. She is lecturer in “Management Information Systems”, “Database”, "Computer Applications" & “Introduction to Informatics”. She is a Computer Science PHD candidate. She has participated in some International Conferences and she has published some research articles in Albania’s Journals and International Journals also. Some of her publications are: 1. J. MULLIRI, E. ZEQO, B. BARAKU, A. AHMETI “Research and Education – challenges towards the future”, ICRAE 2015, University of Shkodra. “The importance of the Management Information Systems on decisions making”, autore. 2. A. ÇOMO, S. GRECA, XH. MELO, J. MULLIRI “Research and Education – challenges towards the future”, ICRAE 2015, University of Shkodra. “A comparative study of data meaning algorithms on educational dataset in Albania universities”, autore e dytë. 3. B. BARAKU, E. SHAHU, J. MULLIRI, A. AHMETI "Goal programming as a method for planning of production in farms", 5th International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE2015). ISBN: 978-9928-4248-3-9. June 05 - 08, 2015, Tirana, Albania, autore e dytë. botuar në Precedings. ISBN: 978-9928-4248-3-9 4. M. NIKOLLA, SILVANA MUSTAFAJ, E. DISHMEMA, J. MULLIRI, E. ZEQO, B. KRISTO "Results of analysis from DEA model in measuring and improving the efficiency of livestock farms in the regions of Albania", 5th International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE2015). June 05 - 08, 2015, Tirana, Albania, autore e dytë, botuar në Precedings. ISBN: 978-9928-4248-3-9. 5. J. MULLIRI, E. ZEQO, A.COMO “Research and Education – challenges towards the future”, ICRAE 2014, University of Shkodra. “The impact of e-learning application at Albanian Universities”, autore e parë, botuar në Precedings. ISSN: 2308-0825 6. M. NIKOLLA, A. BASHOLLI, O. SOKOLI, O. TOTOJANI, J. MULLIRI, A. AHMETI : International Conference (ICE2014) Tiranë, May 2014, “Results of analysis from DEA model on corn production cultivated in Myzeqe plain”. Proceeding. ISSN 978-9928-4068-8-0. 7. A. AHMETI, J. MULLIRI, B. GJINI International Conference. Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slloveni. “Mobile agribusiness technology in Albania”. 8. J. MULLIRI, E. ZEQO, L. MUKLI, A.ÇOMO International Journal of Basic Sciences and Applied Computing (IJBSAC), “The Role of MIS in The Banking System in Albania”, ISSN: 2394-367X, Volume-1 Issue-9, September 2015, autore. 9. B. BARAKU, E. SHAHU, J. MULLIRI, A. AHMETI International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Sciences (IJEES), "Goal programming as a method for planning of production in farms", Vol. 5, issue 3. ISSN: 2224-4980. June 05 - 08, 2015, Tirana, Albania. 10. M. NIKOLLA, I. KAPAJ, A. KAPAJ, J. MULLIRI, A. HARIZAJ, Artikull në revistën shkencore: European Scientific Journal, “Measuring the effect of production factors on yield of greenhouse tomato producing using multivariate model” ISSN 1857-7431. Vol.8. No.23, p. 93-119. |