Meeting in Paris
The University Pierre and Marie Currie - Paris is the host institution for project meeting that will be held at UPMC, at the entrance of the Zamansky tower, on 1st – 3rd March 2017. -
Meeting in Niš
The University of Niš is the host institution for project meeting that will be held on 24th – 25th April 2017 at the University of Niš Rectorate (Univerzitetski trg 2). You can see the Agenda of this meeting here. -
Meeting in Novi Sad
The University of Novi Sad is the host institution for project meeting that will be held at the University of Novi Sad Rectorate, Dr Zorana Đinđića 1, on 27th – 29th March 2017.
The most recent documents from this workpackage:
To list all the documents from this workpackage, please click on the link above this list